How to choose a good, reliable rehabilitation center


For effective treatment of alcoholism it is necessary to choose a rehabilitation center. This center should become, you might say, a second home for the addict, where he can open up and get rid of his problems. And thanks to all this, the addict will be able to fully recover and start a new life. So how to do it? How to choose a rehabilitation center for an alcoholic?

Few people today already doubt that alcoholism is a disease, especially from the population group that is personally touched by this problem. Moreover, this disease is not a simple one that could be cured by medical drugs (they can only relieve some of the symptoms of the disease). A full-fledged fight against this addiction lies in the effective and comprehensive treatment of alcoholism. So what is important to consider when choosing a rehabilitation center, within which it is best to perform addiction treatment.

Alcoholism treatment – how to choose a rehabilitation center
Before you go in search of a quality rehabilitation center, it is worth understanding that the treatment of any kind of addiction is not easy, and therefore, as a rule, requires funding, both the staff spent their resources on the recovery of the patient, as well as the maintenance of the patient himself. Therefore, there really is no free effective treatment, as such, in principle. There are a number of activities and types of programs, such as AA meetings, self-help groups and others that do not require payment. But if we are talking about treatment within the inpatient rehab center, they all have to be paid for.

When choosing a rehabilitation center, you should pay attention to the following:
First of all, if you like the options, it is worth reading reviews and finding out as much information as possible about the specialists and types of treatment in this or that treatment center.
Next, it is very important to go to the RC to get personally acquainted with its representatives, the external and internal atmosphere and, of course, with some of its members/patients. You should pay attention to everything: to the availability and type of literature, which should not be particularly religious (if you do not want to get into a cult, provided you do not go to some church), to the sanitary condition of the RC, to the condition (active, healthy or depressed) of the center clients, and, of course, to the staff, which should inspire confidence.
It would be wonderful to attend one or more classes for relatives at the center, which are usually an integral part of a comprehensive approach to treatment of any kind of addiction and take place at least 2 times a week in quality rehabilitation centers. It is at such events that one could communicate with relatives of addicts and hear their personal experience, as well as experience of their addicted relative’s treatment in the walls of the rehabilitation center. Such events are the best way to reveal the completeness of both the program itself and the professionalism of the staff. And only after that you should make appropriate conclusions.

You should not only choose a rehabilitation center, but also an alcoholism treatment program.
To finish I would like to note that the most effective alcoholism treatment program as well as other addiction treatment is 12 step program. And no pharmacological methods can replace it. Pharmaceuticals can only relieve some complications at the first stage of treatment. For example, during detoxification – to cleanse the body, or during coding – to let the addict feel confident in sobriety. But further the treatment process should be carried out on a psychological level. This is the only way to give some kind of guarantee of effective treatment.

What the guarantee of success in alcoholism treatment depends on
There are pitfalls in every alcohol treatment case:

If the patient himself does not wish to be treated – no one will make him do it;
In case of short-term treatment or incomplete course the addict can have a breakdown.

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